Mon - Sat : 09.00 AM - 06.30 PM
महर्षि दयानंद नेशनल इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ एजुकेशन" की केवल एक ही वेबसाइट है इसलिए फर्जी और झूठे लोगों के जालसाजी में न आयें, "महर्षि दयानंद नेशनल इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ एजुकेशन" किसी भी प्रकार कैश का लेनदेन नहीं करता है, किसी भी व्यक्ति को कैश न दें, कोई भी लेनदेन संस्था के एकाउंट के माध्यम से ही करें I

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Welcome to our MDNIE world

Thank you for the interest you have shown in the Information Technology courses of MDNIE – Maharishi Dayanand National Institute of Education

Computers have become an important part in homes, businesses and the society. In today’s life computers have become a crucial part. Students benefit from using them as tools and resources for gathering information. Teachers use them as tools as well, to help gather student achievement data, or compile teaching activities and resources for their students

Computers are essential tools for productive and successful students. Computers are simply wonderful machines and everyone depends on it in one way or the other. In the quest of knowledge and with a mission to empower the students in their becoming excellent human resources and to contribute meaningfully to the Nation and the human society Edge Education’s has started its services in PAN India. It offers wide range of educational programs in the field of Information Technology

You are now embarking on a great learning adventure and you may face challenges of varying degrees and nature. But I am also sure those challenges will inspire you. There is little doubt that you will all be achievers at the end of it and once you pass through the portals of MDNIE, the road ahead will be open. I also know for certain that you will lead the change of tomorrow for tomorrow and that the world will seek you out proactively. 

We give almost care to develop over all personality of the students. It is important to become good human being first and an excellent

समय और शिक्षा का सही उपयोग ही व्यक्ति को सफल बनाता है।